
Give up:

  • Using glitter in every craft activity – Lent may be the time to finally wake up without unwanted sparkles in your hair!
  • Dressing the age of your young people. You cannot pull off the same swag as a 15-year-old.
  • Trying to beat your children or young people at snap, Uno, Top Trumps, pool or table football. Winning against a ten-year-old for the fourth consecutive week is no cause for celebration.
  • Eating the children’s snacks. You do not have their metabolism or their dietry requirements.

Take up:

  • Time travel, Harry Potter-style, so that you can be in two places at once.
  • (Even more) excessive caffeine consumption so that you can match the energy of your little ones.
  • The enchanted flute (like Mr Tumnus in Narnia) to lull your children to sleep during particularly hectic Sunday school sessions.
  • Weights so that you can lift three children and four chairs at the same time.

For some more serious suggestions…