


This track is a beautiful worship song and a gift to explore! The session is designed to create a space where stories of grace can be shared and explored together, and where young people can use the lyrics of the track to respond to God’s gift of grace to them.

Begin the session by talking about what we understand about grace and try to create a shared definition. One help­ful definition could be ‘getting what we don’t deserve’.

Invite one or two leaders to share a little of their own testimonies, which particularly demonstrate what God’s grace has done for them. Give the young people the opportunity to ask their questions and perhaps share their own stories with the rest of the group.

Introduce Paul. Depending upon the young people’s understanding of the Bible, you may need to retell some of Paul’s story, particularly his history prior to his conversion and his encounter on the road to Damascus. Explain to the group that Paul was someone who expe­rienced the grace of God first hand. God forgave his past, giving him a fresh start and a new mission in life. Paul was very aware that he was living under the grace of God and shared his story with the many people and communities he spoke to, urging others to discover God’s grace for themselves.

Distribute Bibles among the group and ask the young people to look together, perhaps in pairs, at some of the following passages to discover more of what Paul had to say about God’s grace: Romans 5; Galatians 1; Ephesians 1-3; Colossians 1; Titus 2.



Introduce the song, inviting the young people to find a space for themselves within the room where they can reflect on the lyrics of the song without distrac­tion. They may wish to close their eyes to help with this as they listen. Invite the young people to use this time as the song plays to think about what God’s grace has done for them.

Some young people may wish to simply use this time to think about the things they have heard tonight. Encour­age them to reflect on whether they want to do anything differently as a result of what they have heard, Others may wish to use this time to worship God, praising him for all he has done and immersing themselves in the lyrics of this song.

As you draw the session to a close, encourage the group to remain in a place of worship for as long as is appropriate, perhaps even playing further worship songs to aid this. Invite the young people to share any questions they may have and provide a space where you can pray with any individuals who wish to do so.
