St John’s ambulance – First Aid

St John’s Ambulance provides an array of different first aid training options, from three-day courses to top-up sessions. There is a handy calculator on their website, to help you figure out what kind of training you require for your particular youth work.


In partnership with the NSPCC, CEOP now offers training in web-based contact with teenagers and social media use. This can be done online or face-to-face, and is aimed at professionals working with children and young people.

Many youth workers feel overwhelmed by the issue of self-harm and unsure how to effectively react in the case of a disclosure.’s one-day courses are specifically designed for those working with young people aged 11-19 years old, and cover the emotional, health and legal implications of self-harm. 

Enable Schoolswork

Enable is the UK’s first ever standalone qualification for Christian work in primary, secondary and further education settings. The course is delivered across the UK through a series of teaching days, and covers topics such as behaviour management, being strategic in schools work, and how to develop resources.

Reflex / Mylife – YFC

Reflex – an arm of Youth for Christ - exists to empower children, young people and young adults to break the cycle of offending and re-offending. Courses for youth workers include offender engagement training, Mylife (a character development course) delivery training and Urban Skillz delivery training. 

CCPAS Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment

CCPAS runs a half-day workshop aimed at those responsible for the recruitment, management or supervision of those working with children, young people or vulnerable adults in faith settings. The aim of the event is to equip delegates with the latest information regarding safer recruitment practices that will ensure a greater understanding of this ever-changing landscape.

XLP mentoring training

Urban youth charity XLP has nationalised its mentoring scheme – XLM National. To enable churches to implement the project in their area, XLP is running XL-Mentoring National Training: a twoday training course at the XLP Training Centre in central London. XLP will train you as a mentoring coordinator to lead an XL-Mentoring project in your church, teaching you how to recruit, train, monitor and supervise volunteer mentors sourced from your local community.

Resource weekends – CMS pioneer mission

Resource weekends, organised by the Church Mission Society (CMS), immerse individuals in a missional community for the purpose of learning about pioneering in a local context. The weekends are taking place in various locations throughout 2014, with a variety of different mission opportunities.

Romance Academy tra ining days

Got to host a session on sex, but don’t know how to go about it? Romance Academy runs one-day sessions for those wanting to become a Romance Academy leader, equipping you to deliver the Academy in your local context.   .