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Use Bibles or print off sufficient copies of Acts 2:42-47. Find four pictures to represent the four elements of church: worship (eg a candle or the Angel of the North with outstretched hands), community (eg breaking and sharing bread), connectedness (eg hands joined together or paper people joined by hands and feet) and mission (a ship setting sail or direction arrows), and prepare a way to show the four pictures. You will also need a candle for the prayer time, wrapping paper and chocolates (pre-wrapped and individual for ease of use), scissors and sticky tape.



10 mins 

Ask someone in the group to read out this week’s passage. Ask the group what elements of church they can recognise in this Bible reading; can they find worship, community, connectedness and mission?

Look for the word ‘together’ in the passage. Ask how many times it occurs and ask someone to read out the sentences where the word ‘together’ occurs. Discuss what this shows us about the early Church community and how they showed how much they belonged to God by how they belonged together. Explain that when the first Christians met together to make the first church they didn’t meet in a building like ours. They met together in people’s homes and outside. Ask what the advantages of meeting in this way could be, both then and now?

Talk about how they looked after each other and were generous in sharing all that they had, both food and possessions, even though in the First Century many of the Christians were poor and had very little to share. Explain how they were welcoming to others and included people of different backgrounds, cultures and financial situations.



10 mins 

Get everyone to stand in a circle with arms linked. Ask a volunteer to stand outside the circle. Their mission is to break in while everyone else tries to keep them out (agree rules to play the game safely). After they have succeeded, or after three minutes playing, stop and ask them how they felt when everyone tried to exclude them. Repeat the game again but this time the group should be as welcoming as possible. How did they feel to be welcomed? Talk to the whole group about examples of how they feel when they are excluded or included.


The early Church points us towards many of the key elements that make up church, including worship, community, sharing, inclusion and mission. This helps us to think about what church could look like today if we have these elements as our foundations.



10 mins 

Ask the group to discuss these questions:

• What were the key things the early Church did?

• What did they share and how?

• Why do you think they were glad about giving?

• Does this sound like church today?

• Would you like to belong to a church like this?



15 mins

Remind them that the Bible passage talks of sharing what we have and sharing with a generous heart. Give each person a chocolate and ask them to wrap it up carefully to give as a present while you discuss the following questions:

• What is the best thing you have been given?

• When you hear ‘giving’ talked about in church what does this refer to? What do you give?

• What things could you give?

• Is it easier to give to those who give to you?

• Are there people you find it hard to give to?

• What good things have been given to you by the church? (Not focusing so much on material things but on less tangible things such as love, encouragement or care.)

Explain that they are going to give away their last chocolate not expecting anything in return. Give out the chocolates and reflect on how they felt.


Paul makes it clear that it is not an easy option to build Church. There will be sacrifices and costs that come with the territory. But do we think it is worth the cost to follow Jesus?



10 mins 

Using the pictures of the key elements of church reflect on each one in turn (worship, community, mission, connectedness) and encourage the group to think about what the early Church was like and how vital these aspects of church were there for them in their day-today lives. How are these parts of church a part of your life today? Which are important to you? Why? Are there any of these elements that you feel should become more important to you? Do you want to change anything as a result? What could church look like if all these foundations were there?



10 mins 

Gather to pray and set a candle in the centre of the group, either on a table or carefully on the floor. Think about your friends who you would like to know about God’s love. Pray about how the church can meet our friends where they are (both physically where they live and where they are in their lives emotionally and spiritually). Pray for those people you don’t know who live in your neighbourhood, ask that the church can reach out to them too.

Pray that the group would have the confidence to reach out and tell of their faith no matter how difficult it is. Pray for the light of the world to shine from them and show Jesus’ love.