
‘The cold facts are that the story depicts a 35-year-old man exploiting a child, taking advantage of her desire to lose her virginity in order to satisfy his sexual needs. The director wants everyone to believe that Minnie, isn’t feeling abused and she isn’t feeling like she’s being taken advantage of, and so we need to feel that way too. Except I don’t feel that way. Having worked with many survivors of sexual abuse over many years, I am well aware that many victims sincerely believed they were in a relationship with their abusers when the abuse was taking place, and that they weren’t being harmed. Often it has only been years later that they have gained this important insight.


Have any of your young people seen The Diary of a Teenage Girl?

What do they think about it? Is it right to show a relationship like this?

What impact could it have?

Critics suggest that the shallow natures of the adult characters imply no abuse of power, as it is Minnie who exercises control over them during her sexual awakening. Even if that were so, it ignores the failure of those adults around to provide a loving, nurturing environment that would allow Minnie to develop her physical yearnings in pace with her emotional development.

I’m sure this film will spark much debate in youth groups, and my hope is that it will spark a discourse that recognises the need to keep children safe, even if that sometimes includes keeping them safe from themselves.’