

Smelly coke, smelly coke, why are they playing you?

5 minutes

For this game you need as many cans of coke and socks as you have players. Put a sock over each can of coke and the winner is the first to drink the coke, which has been strained through the sock. It’s entirely up to you whether the sock is clean / belongs to the person playing / has been brought from your laundry basket.

GROSS-O-METER: 1/5 – A plate left unwashed for a couple of days. (Unless you use a dirty sock, in which case 3/5.)


Sorry for the bad yolk, but this game is cracking. All-white we should probably stop now, but you’re egg-ing us on. Egg-cellent. Eggs-actly. Egg-cetera…

10 minutes

Line up two teams at one end of your meeting space, with a volunteer sat next to each of them. At the other end are two boxes of eggs, half of which are hard-boiled, half of which are not. The teams take it in turns to run to the other end, collect an egg and smash it on the head of their seated volunteer. The winning team is the first to smash all of their nonboiled eggs.

GROSS-O-METER: 2/5 – Accidentally sneezing onto your hand.


Imagine if bobbing for apples was less healthy, clean, pleasant and fruity. In fact, stop imaging bobbing for apples.

10 minutes

Split the group into two teams and put a bowl of cold baked beans in front of them. Each bowl should contain an assortment of random submerged objects. The teams have to dunk their faces in the bowl, and retrieve the objects, one at a time, using their mouths. If you’re feeling generous you could allow the teams to wear swimming caps and goggles. Or you could not. When one player from each team has got an object, the next person goes. The winners are the first team to retrieve all their objects.

GROSS-O-METER: 3/5 – Running out of loo roll at the worst possible moment.


Did you read the previous game and think, ‘That needs some more disgusting food AND sausages’? Then do we have a game for you…

10 minutes

Split the group into teams and give each team a bowl of runny custard with cut up pieces of hot dog mixed in. In turn, the players have to dip their head in the bowl and try to retrieve a piece of hot dog, and put it ona plate placed next to their bowl. The winning team is the first to get all of the pieces of hot dog from the custard

GROSS-O-METER: 4/5 – Last night’s curry returning on you, one way or another…


This isn’t even fun anymore, it’s just gross.

5 minutes

Split the group into pairs and give everyone a Pepperami. Then tell them to place the Pepperami between their toes. As a pair they have to eat the two Pepperamis – each eating the one between their partner’s toes without using their hands. The first team to eat both Pepperamis is the winners.

GROSS-O-METER: 5/5 – There is nothing grosser than this game.